Home Buyers Finally Catch a Break
A combo of rising mortgage rates and sky-high prices is finally dampening demand in the red-hot housing market, showing signs of hope for home buyers.
A combo of rising mortgage rates and sky-high prices is finally dampening demand in the red-hot housing market, showing signs of hope for home buyers.
It’s time to talk numbers with your REALTOR® when you’re ready to make an offer on a house, then part with an insane amount of money if it all looks good.
With rates for a housing loan shooting up, what does the second half of 2022 look like? Here are a few questions to consider about the housing outlook.
For people looking to help pay for their mortgage every month, buying a house with an attached rental unit might just provide a monthly bump.
We tackle the question that’s on everyone’s mind — When will interest rates finally come back down? Are we doomed to high interest forever?
Given the popularity of coastal real estate, it’s no surprise that bidding wars along the coast are among the most competitive markets nationwide.